Monday, July 29, 2013

♥ Mulu Caves !

The View Of Mulu Caves!

The first time I came here is when I am ten years old. The view of this cave amazed me like WOW. I think this is the most precious moment I ever had :D  

Gunung Mulu National Park near Miri,Sarawak Borneo, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that encompasses caves and karst formations in a mountainous equatorial rain forest setting. The park is famous for its caves and the expeditions that have been mounted to explore them and their surrounding rainforest, most notably the Royal Geographical Society Expedition of 1977-1978, which saw over 100 scientists in the field for 15 months. This initiated a series of over 20 expeditions now drawn together as the Mulu Caves Project.

The national park is named after Mount Mulu, the second highest mountain in Sarawak.

 Since 1978 these caves have been the focus for a succession of expeditions and this website holds a record of the discoveries made during that period. 

  As we move into the 21st Century, humanity appears to have explored to the limits of our environment. using technology we can photograph the surface of distant planets, probe the immensity of space, scan the beds of the deepest oceans, image the inside of living bodies and picture the surface of structures to microscopic detail. In such a world, it might be imagined imagined that there is no true exploration left to be done. But this would be untrue.
 Under the surface of our planet lies a parallel world, a world of great beauty and mystery formed over thousands of years by the most elemental of forces, the passage of water through rock. This world, the domain of caves, remains largely unexplored. In northern Sarawak, the Mulu Caves project is making progress on this journey of discovery.

File:Pinnacles at Mulu 2.jpg
Pinnacles at Mulu

Fees/ Permits

To get into the park you must register at the park HQ office and buy the five-day-pass for 30RM per person. To enter any caves you must have a Licensed Park Guide or join a guided group (fees starting from  20 RM per person)

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Races In Sarawak~

 Sarawak has more than 40 sub-ethnic groups. Every of the ethnic groups have its own distinct language, culture and lifestyle. Nowadays, cities and larger towns are populated predominantly by Malays, Melanaus, Chinese, and a smaller percentage of Ibans and Bidayuhs who have migrated from their home-villages. Sarawak is rather distinctive from the rest of Malaysia because there is only a small percentage community of Indians living in Sarawak. There are 16 ethnics group In Sarawak.
Bidayuh Villages
Bukitan People
Malaysian Chinese
Iban People
Kayan People (Borneo)
Kedayan People
Kelabit People
Kenyah People
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Ethnic Malay
Melanau People
Penan People
Punan Bah People
Ulu People
Ukit People

The view from Waterfront

  More than any other feature, the Waterfront epitomizes how Kuching has modernized itself without losing any of its charm.
Kuching is a riverine city. Its location on the Sarawak River was chosen not only for its strategic and commercial importance, but also for its enchanting natural beauty. In days gone by the river was the city's main highway. The river still retains its importance and picturesque charm in the modern era. Present day life is still concentrated on the waterfront.
A meander on the Kuching waterfront is a walk through time; from Kuching's humble, ancient origins, to its status as a modern city. No visit to Kuching would be complete without a stroll on the modern esplanade, or to sit, relax and experience a Sarawakian sunset.

 Kuching Waterfront, which lines the south bank of Sarawak River, is THE place to sample the city's cosmopolitan vibes. During the daytime, it offers scenic views of the Astana, Fort Margherita and the Malay kampungs across the river; but night-time is when it really comes alive! It seems like half of the city is out meeting friends, watching a show, or just shooting the breeze. For something different, why not try jetty-hopping along the river on the local Penambang boats, and savour the different sights, sounds (and delicacies!) between the two riverbanks.

A result of a major restoration and land reclamation project, Kuching Waterfront today is the most popular meeting place in the city. Drab warehouses have been replaced with an almost 900m long esplanade, beautifully landscaped and dotted with wooden benches, food stalls, restaurants and entertainment facilities. A number of older buildings have been preserved and incorporated into the design, including the Chinese History Museum, the Sarawak Steamship Building, an open-air theatre and the Square Tower. Modern additions to the Waterfront include a restored Chinese pavilion, colourful musical fountains, and a number of modern sculptures.

Sarawak River Cruise

It is also located at Waterfront. I've book online for the cruise and was promise dinner, cultural show and sunset cruise. I was given a special price for booking online. When i reach there as being told to,i was told that the dining area is being renovated so there will be no dinner and they will replace it with syrup orange flavoured drinks and Sarawak layer.Tips: Book earlier(before 3pm) to get 10% on top of full fare of RM69/person. Enjoy your light refreshment while you endure 1 and half hour cruise ride along Sungai Sarawak. Get t with onboard dancer for Culturul show. It is also another way to see Kuching.
We really enjoyed spending time on the tiny little boat that took us along the river. The cool breeze, the little fishing boats we passed , taking in all the different interesting buildings which are build by the edge of the river. A different way to experience kuching.we went a couple of times for an 1 hour or more to spend a relaxed time for very little money and loved it.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Kuching Cat Statue

Me and my friend at Kuching Cat Statue! :D

When it comes to weekends, and I'm going home from Politechnic, I always spent most of my time here, relaxing, hanging out with besties and doing crazy stuffs! It can released our stress and forgetting about our assignments in few hours :)

Kuching is the capital city of Sarawak in Borneo Malaysia. Kuching or rather Kucing is the Malay word for cat and thus this city is known as the Cat City. One of the famous landmarks around the main town area is the Cat Statue which is located opposite the Riverside Majestic Hotel on Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman and Jalan Abell. This place also famous among tourists and the special about it is you will also be able to see a few other cat structures and one famous one is located at the end of Jalan Abell nearing a roundabout that leads you to Jalan Padungan. This particular cat statue is said to be famous for the different theme that is being set for each festive season. This Cat Statue was created on the 1st of August 1988 to remember the “Hari Bandaraya” or also knows as the City Day Celebration in English.

 The cat statues not only gives a unique feel to the city, they are also nice photography subjects. This white cat is the Kuching South City Council, it was built in the 90s and is the first ever cat statue in Kuching. For me, it is the nicest and friendliest looking of all. It sits in front of the Little China Town along Jalan Padungan and looks like it is welcoming visitors with its waving hand LOL :D This cat changes into different costumes during the major celebrations, cute eh? And I think the whiskers can be bent into different shapes to signify its mood. 

The most recognizable cat statue should be the one near the Kuching Waterfront, opposite the Grand Margerita Hotel.

Some of the cat statues play gleefully around here

The Meaning Of Sarawak's Flag

Sarawak (pronounced /səˈrɑːwɑːk/) is one of two Malaysian states on the island of Borneo. Known as Bumi Kenyalang (“Land of the Hornbills”), it is situated on the north-west of the island. It is the largest state in Malaysia; the second largest, Sabah, lies to the northeast. Both of them are located to the east of Malaysia, where they shares the island with Kalimantan, a part of Indonesia.
With its 11 divisions, Sarawak comprises about 27 ethnic groups, where we all live together happily and peacefully. But today, I’m not going to talk about our ethnic groups but rather on the subject of our state flag.
A national flag is a flag that symbolizes a country. The flag is flown by the government, but usually can be flown by citizens of that country as well. Well, this is also true for a state flag, where it reflects the government of the state.

 From 31 August 1988 until today . The flag consists of a nine pointed yellow star on black and red diagonal strips with yellow field . It was adopted by the State Government of Sarawak under the Chief Ministership of YAB Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr.) Haji Abdul Taib Mahmud.

Yellow denotes the supremacy of Law and Order, unity and stability in diversity. The yellow nine pointed star denotes the nine divisions where the Rakyat live in harmony. The star symbol also embodies the aspiration of the people of Sarawak in their quest to improve their quality of life.
Red symbolises the courage, determination and sacrifices of the Rakyat in their tireless pursuit to attain and maintain progress and esteem in the course of creating a model State.

Black symbolises the rich natural resources and wealth of Sarawak such as petroleum, timber etc. which provide the foundation for the advancement of her people.

It was hoisted at State Stadium Kuching on 31 August 1998 by Sarawak's Chief Minister, YAB Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr.) Haji Abdul Taib Mahmud on the occasion of State 25th Anniversary of Independence within Malaysia.

By the end of the 20th century more than half of all Sarawakians have become well educated and nationalistic. It was mandatory for all businesses to fly flags on significant dates. Most citizens bought their own flags to fly whenever it was necessary. Children especially love the National Flag as well as the Sarawak flag. The school system has ensured that students are well educated in nationalistic values. Small flags were also made for sale in the market.

♥ Introduction ♥

Asslamualaikum !Hey there! I'm Dayang Nur Afiqah Bt Abang Mustapha, I'm going to be sweet-18 on this 14th Of December. Having the last month of Birthday every year whereas the Holiday time, Christmas and so on makes me jealous of everyone else. every year, Im just celebrating my birthday with Family. They(my friends) do wish me, but still its not as excited as celebrating your birthday at school. By the way, just forget about that then. I'm still new in Blogger. Still a learner. Sometimes my English is broken, even my lecturer said that her English is not perfect. so lets practice to speak English all the time so that it will be perfect <3 Now I studies at Politechnic Kuching Sarawak in Diploma Of Petrochemical Engineering. I know its a tough course. I bet your mind says that, "whoa, you must be a clever girl." absolutely no lah! I just got 3A's in my SPM *frustrated* InsyaAllah, I will try to do my best and get the good pointer and make my family proud of me, I promise mum. I will not let you down anymore. so guys, wish me luck then! 
 I'm so lucky because I can further my studies at Politechnic. I'm being friendly, got a crazy friends and they always be there when I need them. hope our friendship will be last till Jannah, AMIN ♥

Sarawak Layered Cake!

Every year, when only a few weeks left for Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Sarawak will be crowded with tourists from Malaysia and abroad to buy Sarawak layered cake that just happen to be in Sarawak only. What make it so special is in Semenanjungs or other places in Malaysia wouldn't have the same taste as here and that's one of the reasons of why I'm proud to be Sarawakian! :D Only post about this layered cake made ​​me swallowed saliva. LOL

Kek Lapis Sarawak is a layered cake, traditionally served in Sarawak, Malaysia on special occasions. In the Malay language, they are known as Kek Lapis Sarawak, Kek Lapis Moden Sarawak, Kek Sarawak or Kek Lapis. They are often baked for religious or cultural celebrations such as Eid ul-Fitr, Christmas, Deepavali, birthdays and weddings.
People in Malaysia practice an open house on festival day. A unique feature of Sarawak’s open houses is the modern layered cakes.

 It is also have a variety of colors, flavors and shapes that make it more unique.

The Backgroud of Sarawak Layered Cake

Kek Lapis Sarawak is a layered cake, traditionally served in Sarawak, Malaysia on special occasions. In the Malay language, they are known as Kek Lapis Sarawak, Kek Lapis Moden Sarawak, Kek Sarawak or Kek Lapis. They are often baked for religious or cultural celebrations such as Eid ul-Fitr, Christmas, Deepavali, birthdays and weddings. People in Malaysia practice an open house on festival day. A unique feature of Sarawak’s open houses is the modern layered cakes.



Sarawakian Modern Layered cakes can be divided into two categories: cakes with ordinary layers and cakes with patterns, motifs, or shapes. all must have at least two colors. The cake can be baked in an oven or microwave. The batter uses batter or vegetavle oil, milk and eggs, and requires a strong arm or electric mixer to be properly prepared. The baked cake has a high, firm texture and the layers are fastened together with jam or a similarly sticky sweet substance. More detailed cakes often require special moulds to maintain the perfect layer thickness.